As the colder seasons approach, flooring installers and concrete coating applicators must exercise increased caution regarding dew point and moisture issues. Effective management of these factors is essential to ensure the integrity and longevity of installations, preventing problems such as moisture trapping, structural damage, and compromised flooring or coatings.
Understanding Dew Point and Its Impact
During colder weather, concrete surfaces take longer to warm up compared to the surrounding air. This temperature discrepancy can lead to condensation if not properly managed. Dew point plays a crucial role in determining the likelihood of moisture condensation on concrete slabs and flooring materials.
The Tramex Concrete Moisture Encounter CMEX5, equipped with an integrated hygrometer, displays ambient temperature, relative humidity, and dew point on its screen, providing immediate insights into the environmental conditions at the job site.
Using an infrared thermometer, measure the temperature of the concrete slab to ensure it is at least 10°F above the ambient dew point, as indicated at the bottom of the CMEX5 screen. Maintaining this temperature differential helps prevent moisture condensation on the slab surface.
Press the CMEX5 onto the surface of the concrete and obtain a moisture content reading. Aim for a moisture level of 4% or less to minimize the risk of moisture-related issues during and after installation.
If the dew point results in high moisture readings on the meter, you can utilize fans to facilitate the evaporation of excess moisture. Proper ventilation helps draw moisture back into the air, reducing the moisture content of the concrete slab.
Once the temperature and moisture levels meet the required criteria you can proceed with the installation of flooring or application of concrete coatings. This approach prevents the trapping of moisture beneath floor coverings or coatings, ensuring a durable and stable installation.