How to work with the Low/Medium/High reading LED indicators on the Tramex Moisture Encounter MEX5

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The Tramex Moisture Encounter MEX5 offers advanced features designed to facilitate precise moisture assessments in different materials. The MEX5 utilizes a traffic light system to provide immediate visual feedback on moisture levels.

This video guide and article provide a look at how to work with the LED ‘Low/Medium/High reading traffic light’ indicators on the MEX5, focusing on the Non-Destructive (NDT) mode, Pin-Probe mode, Baseline Reference Mode, and Delta T Mode.

Non-Destructive (NDT) Mode

  1. Start by turning on the Moisture Encounter MEX5.
  2. Navigate to the main menu and select the 'Non-Destructive' mode.
  3. Choose the appropriate material setting based on the sample being tested. 

The Wood scale:

  • Green Light: Indicates low moisture levels (below 14%). For example, a reading of 10.9% signifies a dry sample.
  • Yellow Light: Signals caution with moderate moisture levels (14% to 17.9%).
  • Red Light: Denotes high moisture levels (18% and above).

The Comparative/Relative scales:

  • Green Light: 0-35
  • Yellow Light: 36-51
  • Red Light: 52-99

Pin-Probe Mode

The Low/Medium/High reading traffic light system also works for pin readings. The Pin-Probe mode is versatile and compatible with various building materials, including wood, drywall, OSB, plywood, and Gypcrete, making it a valuable tool for comprehensive moisture assessments.

Using the Pin-Probe Mode:

  1. Attach the heavy-duty handheld pin probe to the MEX5 using the bayonet connector.
  2. Ensure the meter is set to the appropriate material setting, such as 'Scott’s Pine' for pine wood samples. Insert the pin probe into the wood, aligning it vertically with the grain of the hardwood to ensure accurate moisture measurement.
  3. Allow the reading to stabilize.
  4. The moisture level will be displayed on the MEX5 screen and the LED indicators will assist in informing if those readings can be generally considered Low, Medium or High readings.

Wood scale:

  • Green Light: 0-13.9 %MC
  • Yellow Light: 14-17.9 %MC
  • Red Light: 18-30 %MC

Drywall Scale:

  • Green Light: 0-0.5 %
  • Yellow Light: 0.6-0.7 %
  • Red Light: 0.8-8.5 %

OSB and Plywood:

  • Green Light: 0-12.9 %
  • Yellow Light: 13-19.9 %
  • Red Light: 20-50 %


  • Green Light: 0-0.5 %
  • Yellow Light: 0.6-0.7 %
  • Red Light: 0.8-6 %


  • Green Light: 0-13.9 
  • Yellow Light: 14-17.9 
  • Red Light: 18-99 

Baseline Reference Mode

The LED traffic light system also works with the Baseline Reference Mode. This mode  allows users to establish a baseline moisture level for comparison in future measurements.

Setting Up Baseline Reference Mode:

  1. From the main menu, navigate to 'Settings'
  2. Select 'Advanced Features'.
  3. Activate the Baseline Reference by pressing the center button. This feature displays the baseline moisture level on the screen.
  4. Take a reading and press the pause button to set the current moisture level as the baseline.

Utilizing Baseline Reference with the traffic light system:

  • Green and Yellow Indicators: Display when measurements are equal to or below the baseline.
  • Red Indicator: Alerts when moisture levels exceed the baseline, prompting users to take necessary actions.

Delta T Mode

Delta T Mode also allows use of the traffic light system. It can provide additional insights into moisture conditions by comparing surface temperature with ambient dew point temperature.

Using Delta T Mode:

  1. From the main menu, select 'Psychrometrics' and then choose 'Delta T'.
  2. The MEX5 uses an infrared thermometer to measure the surface temperature of the material.
  3. Delta T is calculated by subtracting the ambient dew point temperature from the surface temperature.

The LED indicators reflect this difference:

  • Green Light: Surface temperature is 10 degrees Fahrenheit or more above the ambient dew point.
  • Yellow Light: Surface temperature is between 5.1 to 9.9 degrees Fahrenheit above the ambient dew point.
  • Red Light: Surface temperature is 5 degrees Fahrenheit or below the ambient dew point.

The LED traffic light system on the Moisture Encounter MEX5 ensures that users can quickly and accurately interpret moisture levels, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing the quality and durability of construction projects.